Welcome to Colourland

an adopt-a-colour-project

This is a verse where creativity has no bounds - where you learn to work together through adversity, where both illustrators and writers alike can have artistic freedom, and most importantly: to make lasting friendships within a warm, welcoming community.

Get started on exploring this Multiverse Art & RP Community

AACP founded in 2010 by Tieru

lore: Colourful new world

Group collab by TJ, Kat, & Khali | Characters belong to TJ & Jasper

Long ago, two powerful beings of Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect watched the world fall into chaos and strife. Seeing the people of the world fight, go hungry, have tribulations, poverty, wars, and conflict — things that could all be helped — made their hearts ache sorely and so they embarked on a new journey with a new idea. They would become like unto gods in this world and help its people become one instead of many.Creating a new country for all kindred and tongues to gather, they lifted a new continent out of the seas; thus birthing a world within worlds. Equally dividing the freshly made land into colored areas, they hoped that the people would not divide themselves based off of gender, race, religion, creed, or anything else; that the people would see they all shared an equal place in the rainbow of life.These two beings have since, dutifully, stood watch over their creation and its people eagerly helping to shape and grow this idea. They still see that which they had set out to stop but there is hope and both see the greatness of a people not divided but brought together under one banner.For now, they stay out of the trials but walk amongst the people doing many things; both great and small. The love and respect they share for the people ensure they stay united to keep the peace in the land so that all may have a home in a better place — a home filled with their essence: Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect.

AACP founded in 2010 by Tieru

Who are they?

The twins are entities that appear to be gods in their own right but, unlike many gods before them — they have such a deep desire to be among the very people they are wanting to help and bring together. With this desire, Pleasance and Uriyah are not less human than you or I are; no less susceptible to making mistakes but always making sure to own up to them and be the best example they can be for AACP.

Why are they?

Essentially their purpose is to be both a mascot in and out of the world. These are indivuals both mun and muse can interact with, while also being examples of what AACP fully represents as a community. See Pleasance and Uriyah as an extension of the lead community moderating team — their personality and values showing the core, raw, and essential working mechanics of how the community runs and operates.

Art & Character by Jasper

''Love burns hot in passion only to be soothed by the tranquil waters of companionship.''

Pleasance is soft spoken but very friendly. She is never quick to anger and absolutely loves getting to know the citizens of the land whenever she gets the chance. Always with a helping hand, she tries to guide and help where she is able to. She adores her twin and all of the leaders like family. She always has a chipper smile and like her name a pleasant attitude to go with it.

Ability to find balance

  • Hydrokinetic: Constructs / Flight / Surfing / Telekinesis

  • Hydro-manipulation: Manipulate the properties of water

  • Tsunami: Tidal Wave Generation / flood creation

  • Water bend: Attacks / Detection / Generation

  • Hydro-control: Pressure Generation / Purification / Walking

  • Fire bend: Absorption / Attacks / Detection / Negation

  • Combustion Inducement: Burn and/or melt things — Flame Solidification

  • pyro-manipulation: Manipulate the properties of fire/heat

  • Pyrokinetic: Constructs / Flight / Surfing / Telekinesis

  • heat control: Heat & Energy Manipulation

Art & Character by Taylor-James K.

''The foundation of respect is borne from the unity in the very air we breathe.''

Where his sister is soft spoken, he is loud and ready to get to work. As Pleasance walks and works with the citizens, Uriyah is busy building and forming plans with the leaders; wanting to find any way he can to make life easier and more efficient for the habitants of the land. Due to his energetic work ethic, has two modes that switch out — busy bee to comatose potato. So, if you don't see him working then you'll most likely catch him dead and passed out to the world as he recharges, to repeat the cycle over again.

Ability to build stability

  • Aerokinesis: manipulate the air, wind, and gas

  • Air Mimicry: transform into a cloud of gas, fog, or mist

  • Lung Adaptation: breathe anywhere

  • Wind Generation: create blasts of wind

  • Air Generation: create or generate blasts of air

  • Flight: have the ability to fly at will

  • Levitation: the ability to make anything rise up in the air and move around under your control

  • Geokinesis: control, manipulate, create, generate and reshape or shape earth/rocks/stones

  • Chlorokinesis: manipulate plants at will

  • Geo-Thermokinesis: manipulate, control, and create lava, magma and volcanoes

  • Terrakinesis: control, manipulate and alter/reshape the surrounding terrain and landscape at will

  • terraportation: teleport via the earth and earth-based materials

Bringing plur together

— a god among men —

Pleasance and Uriyah work as one with one shared goal. In times of need, when great power is needed, or when two need to be one they become one entity. This fluid and genderless omnipotent being is known simply as PLUR and has the combined powers of the twins: it being their true form.Typically, the twins stay separate to keep themselves in check but, should a need arise, they can become one with the power to both create and destroy worlds.PLUR is highly rational and intelligent, always able to keep in mind the larger picture. They can weigh the needs of the many against the wants of a few and make rational but absolute decisions.

The plur creed of colourland

motto credit to lady faith

AACP founded in 2010 by Tieru

Community Guidelines

to be followed across AACP as a whole

Just have a few things to go over before you fully immerse yourself into the wonderful, chaotic storm that is our colourful RP / Art community. Be sure to read over everything thoroughly, not a lot to take in but just some small guidelines to follow so we can prevent from people having their toes stepped on; so to speak:🔹 First thing is first - The community mods are Jasper (Jas) and Jenni (Jen), we watch over everyone to make sure things stay running smoothly. We both are very understanding people and do our absolute best to behave accordingly so we can be mods who are easy to come to. Now, this doesn't mean we won't hold our selves accountable if we step out of line; we are human too and it's bound to happen. Rest assured though, no matter what - we don't go around abusing our power. We are equals to you all!🔹 Our family leaders are our mini-mods that help manage things when Jasper and Jen aren't available to do so. Be sure to be respectful to them along with your fellow citizens. These leaders also help manage their own respected territories; so be sure to introduce yourself and get to know them in whatever family it is you decided to join!🔹 After you are done reading through these guidelines, we ask that you go to the Discord tab that goes over how the discord server is set up, alongside getting the template to make your introduction template that is to be posted on the " Mun - N - Muse " channel. Us moderators are always welcome for suggestions on channels to be made, if it aims to better help the overall function for the server.🔹 We have a zero tolerance policy for using discussions here, in this community, as fuel somewhere else. What happens here in this community should not, need not, and -cannot- be used as ammunition against a person elsewhere. Using someone's words and feelings elsewhere is a gross misconduct of ethics on many levels and, simply put, will absolutely not be tolerated.This is the - only - warning anyone in the server will receive. If it comes to our attention that screenshots or anything likewise is being taken and used in other fandoms, servers, platforms, etc. as a way to bully, make fun of, or otherwise put down another here will constitute an instant ban. We do, however, expect and need tangible proof / receipts of this misconduct before we move to ban. We will not remove someone purely from heresay and word of mouth alone in this matter.We make this rule in the hopes that as more people join us that everyone feels and knows they are safe here. We ask that, as a community, we all stay vigilant in other servers and platforms against this and to keep each other safe. This community is about making friends and building one another up: not putting others down.

🔹 This is something we understand is a " no-brainer " but, it still needs to be stated to cover ground on it - We absolutely do not and will not tolerate anyone preying on children within or around our community. This is a matter we take incredibly seriously and why you'll see in our server that we have categories set up strictly for minors and for adults, with a joint category where everyone can still freely chat with one another (obviously keep language PG-13). Do this as a way to make sure our members are safe as they can be and within legal reason. If you see someone to be suspected of predatory behavior or a known minor snuck their way into the adult category, that it be brought to the Community Moderators' attention so we can handle it accordingly.🔹 Regarding the Discord server: When posting or streaming anything, in any of the channels, be sure to make sure it is done in the appropriate one before hitting enter. (ie - if you want to post a random, off the wall meme, we have a spam channel for just that kind of thing)🔹 In regards to " Hot Button " topics, we encourage discourse on all subjects! Jasper and Jenni aren't here to stifle conversations of any nature. All we ask is to be mindful on context, be respectful with other person's views, not to use defamatory/racist speech toward any collective group of people (in this server or toward the general public), and if someone says they are feeling uncomfortable that you respect them and take the conversation in PMs or halt it entirely. Know this is all stuff that doesn't need to be said, but it never hurts to have a reminder to it.🔹 When participating in any of the VCs, be cognizant of others when speaking. We understand discord can be laggy and act funny but try to include everyone in the conversation and not talk over each other. We made channels that have a person limit if you want to talk to a smaller crowd, but just be mindful when in the more unlimited VCs.🔹 When it comes to any sort of community announcement, those will be posted in its own appropriate channel too. There, you will find posts regarding status' of upcoming or currents events going on; within the community or individual events another citizen is having. If you have an event you want promotion for, please, either reach out to Jasper or Jenni and we'll be happy to make an AD for you!🔹 If you have any comments/questions/concerns you can ask away about them in either the general chat on discord; can even tag us community mods or anyone of our mod team (the family leaders) or by DMing one the community mods directly and one of us would be happy to help you out.Regarding Discord contact: Just be sure you ask the appropriate person when doing so; like if it has to do with the world, that'd be something only the community mods can fully answer on - but if it's about any of the applications or something within a specific territory, that specific leader can answer it for you.

Remember to always have peace, love, unity, and respect!


AACP founded in 2010 by Tieru

Continent that is Colourland

view image larger either press & hold or right click to open

YellowTropical Savanna
PurpleRain Forest
BlackHumid Subtropical

Please take notice:

When making your Citizen, be sure to take the climate of the territory you wish to be in, into account. Wouldn't want someone dressed for the artic living in the desert.

Territory & Land Q/A:

What is a base exactly?

A base is, well, a gated community pretty much. Inside the base this where you leader will be (unless they decide to live outside the base). Base there as free apartments for colours. If you live outside of the base you must fend for yourself.

What is a Colour Leader?

Basically moderators. Think of them in terms of D&D: The AACP mods are the DMs while the Colour leaders are Co-DMs. They help lightened the load of world building while also allowing more ideas to come in & helping making sure people RP fairly. (find out more info on them in the leaders tab)

What do we do about the empty spaces in the territories?

This will be a discussion between you & your leader. Since I don't want to have complete control over the making of this map, I have left spaces cleared for the colour leaders to decide what will be done with them. Want to make this fair & fun for everyone. So, whatever your leader decides... it is final. Okay. If you don't like the outcome of the decision, then reach out to the AACP mods. I'm sure we can work something out where everyone is happy.

What will the living/buildings look like in the territories?

Again, this is something your leader will decide. Sort'of. The base will be designed by your leader in whatever image they so see it. Outside of the base is pretty much a free-for-all. You can design your living/business/whatever how you like. Just keep in mind the climate you live in & design accurately.

Are we allowed to name the rivers, mountains, ect. in our Territory?

Yes, it's allowed. This will be something colours & their leader will have to decide on TOGETHER. If, by chance, two territories share landmass (Example: Pink & Red share a river n' lake together. Both will have to make a decision together; ie. Shade river). Only time it'd only be leaders deciding on landmass, is when it's shared.Other then that, landscaping in your own territory is something to be decided in that specific colour family.

AACP founded in 2010 by Tieru

Sole purpose:

With different territories means different forms of leadership come with it. Our Colour Leaders are here to help aid in being keepers of peace while also being the ones our citizens can come/go to with questions, concerns, or complaints within their respective slice of the Colourland continent.Each leader is also what makes up the mod team on the AACP discord server; so when joining - don't hesitate to get to know your families Leader. They are here to help aid the Community moderation team in management both in and out of the AACP world.

Duties & Expectations:

  • one: To give a helping hand to their territories citizens with navigating the community - in and out of the AACP world (help in answering comments/concerns/questions)

  • two: Help in de-escalating conflict and remain professional doing so (don't want there being contributing drama - our leaders are held to the same standards as the citizens are)

  • three: To be present when having our monthly leader meetings; is the time to discuss how to better improve Colourland and plan for certain Art events and community RP events (being a leader is a responsibility for the community (not have the title and go MIA on the community mods or their citizens without communicating there needing to be a hiatus))

  • four: Aid in resolving internal conflicts between citizens of their territory (this also means if outside citizens have conflict, that the respecting leaders can work to resolve it together)

  • five: Making sure that community members follow the guidelines — in the world and in the discord server

  • six: Not to abuse their power or slack on their responsibilities

  • seven: Being vigilant for the sake of the underage; we aim with this community to be a safe environment for the younger youth (if a leader is found to be preying on children — they will be quickly booted and banned from the community)

Colour Leaders

to help lead & manage

Learn more about your colour families leader below along with art credit


White Leader

Art & Character by Lobo

  • Base theme: White’s territory is full of ice and snow that is bright even at night. Hours are slow here from the frozen temperatures, especially at night which can be pretty harsh for outsiders. There’s no big building but small ones and tents, and igloos. This tundra’s land is full of unique fruits and trees that only grow here, usually healing fruit to combat the cold. Illnesses are not born here. The people are known for their healing, hunting, and spicy hot cocoas!

  • Running the Territory: The land’s Lead Doula, Finian, watches over this land. He rarely services people but to the animals instead of as he has overly respect for them as they are the ones that provide the food that they need to survive this land.

  • Territory conflict: Slight conflict with Purple’s territory from many years of forbidden romance at the time. Other than that, not many conflicts with others.

  • Where to find your leader: Fin is usually seen hidden in voodoo’s or polar bears caves, helping or feeding those in need.

  • Leader social(s): Fivian's twitter


Pink Leader

Art & Character by Taylor-James

  • Base theme: Pink territory is much like Amsterdam in architectural style. Mixing 17th century Renaissance with Gothic elements, it could be considered something Neo-Gothic in terms of style; even the streets are cobble stoned. The plant life that flourishes in the base is nothing but pink plants from Cherry blossom trees to Pink rose bushes to Peonies decorating the sidewalks. Being here can be as if you're on vacation while calling the base home - like taking a stroll in something nostalgic but in the modern era. Near the base, you'll find a wide and open garden of every pink plant possible and a very specially made gazebo in the center.

  • Running the Territory: Connie is the type of leader you'd be hard pressed to believe really was one. He takes his job seriously on the inside but outwardly, can seem very aloof and extremely laid back - making sure that when anyone comes to this territory, that it's peace you breath through the air. Being of a Libertarian mind, wants his citizens to know that he works for them, not the other way around; believing everyone has a right to their own civil liberties and not pushing their morals, values, beliefs onto others forcefully - 'You live your life and I'll live mine'.

  • Territory conflict: He is neutral with most territories except one - Red. Enjoys picking 'petty fights' with that Leader and just stirring the pot; most of the teasing just being purely made from the fact Pink comes from Red.

  • Where to find your leader: Can find Connie either doing leader work in the center garden, volunteering at the Colourland Hospital as a Emergency Medical Technician for the Emergency Department on weekends, or if he has down time from what's listed above then, he's causing mischief for Red Leader or enjoying some coffee at the Colourland café.

  • Leader social(s): Connie's twitter


Red Leader

Art & Character by Orio

  • Base theme: The Red Territory has a very intense climate,extremely hot or extremely rainy. The architecture and technology is much like that of the Japanese Meiji period.

  • Running the Territory: Reylin is a very mature and serious leader yet open minded, wanting to do the absolutely best for her people. She has experienced the wrongs of ruling and wants to do what's right. At first glance she seems approachable and cold, but in reality she is quite kindhearted. She is always open to suggestions and advice from her people.

  • Territory conflict: There are no conflicts with other territories, but the pink territory seems to enjoy pulling childish pranks. She doesn't care what happens to her,as long as her people aren't harmed,it's all fine.

  • Where to find your leader: You would spot her conversing with her people in the villages or the military district, a definite way to find her would be in the office of the grand palace doing paperwork.

  • Leader social(s): Reylin's social


Orange Leader

Art & Character by Kat

  • Base theme: The orange territory consists mostly of wide open deserts, savannas and some oasis' around the territory where a few lakes are present. It has parts where there is wide open lands with a few scattered plants and grass patches and parts covered in mountains, some bare and some rich on plants and animals both which are difficult to travel through. The people of the orange territory live in some arabic architecture like villages. Some above the ground but most of them live in villages underground the desert or inside mountains. Orange's climate is very hot during the day, the sun shining almost the whole time with little to no clouds covering the sun. At night, the temperature drops below 0°C. The mountains and ground protect the citizens from the heat of the day and the cold during the night. While traveling through the orange territory, one might think there are no people living here besides just a few nomads. Ruins are found inside and at the sides of mountains, proving that the people of this hot terrain were living inside the mountains since it was first found.

  • Running the Territory: Mango is a traveling leader. She tends to the needs of everyone in her territory, those underground, above the ground and the nomads changing their location every few months. She gives their people freedom, choosing where to live and how to live their life while still guiding them under their territories laws. Even for the smallest issues, like a child lost their kitten, if asked she will look for it herself. It may look like a minor problem for others, but for a child even the smallest issue saddens them. The territory itself isn't poor but it's possibilities are limited due to the hot climate. Not every citizen is capable of handling the heat like Mango, so she tries to improve the quality of their life's little by little, making it possible for even the most fragile citizen to meet with their family and friends without being bound to obey the extreme climate of their home

  • Territory conflict: No conflict is known up till now. There are some inner conflicts with a dragon clan inside the territory but the clan leader and the territory leader agreed to not harm each other and no normal citizen is allowed to enter the dragon's territory. Mango still visits sometimes to see if there are any issues and needs where she could help.

  • Where to find your leader: If you're lucky, she will be around in the underground capital Hamia but can be found in other villages around the orange territory. You might have to ask her assistant Soleil to get her exact location.

  • Leader social(s): Mango's twitter


Yellow Leader

Position is open

  • Base theme:

  • Running the Territory:

  • Territory conflict:

  • Where to find your leader:

  • Leader social(s):


Green Leader

Art & Character by Jasper

  • Base theme: Green base theme is very foresty with mountains. Lowland areas are full of quaky trees but the forests range anywhere from normal pines to redwoods like in the area that is main base. Main base is themed after a steam punk Lothlorien from Lord of The Rings but there are normal cities scattered around the territory.

  • Running the Territory: she's very involved with her people and leads by example. She's often out giving a helping hand in person and deals with issues that arise herself instead sending a delegate.

  • Territory conflict: There are no ongoing territory conflicts between Green territory and the others.

  • Where to find your leader: Las is usually in her workshop or out and about in other territories on an archeological dig or setting up a new contraption somewhere.

  • Leader social(s): Las' Twitter


Blue Leader

Art & Character by Cijila

  • Base theme: The Blue Territory has a strong relationship to the ocean, water, wind and the stars. The capital is mostly underwater, only a few buildings such as the observatory, parts of the train station and a few other buildings are above.

  • Running the Territory: Lunaris does not see itself as a leader, but mainly takes care of the administration of the library and since there are very valuable books stored there. She is happy to help with solving problems and is always ready to listen to the residents. Right from the start, it built up a good infrastructure that ensures supplies to the population, even in times of crisis. They just want to live in harmony with one another. She is supported by her two owls.

  • Territory conflict: The Blue Territory has no conflict with the other countries, it is neutral and even allows other colors to live in its area, if they guarantee that they will not cause any problems and have the permission of the respective leader.

  • Where to find your leader: If you are looking for Lunaris, you only need to go to the Blue Territory library, it is there most of the time and examines the books that have been forgotten. Her owls Blu and Dia help her with everything that arises

  • Leader social(s): Lunaris' twitter


Purple Leader

Position temp filled by Jasper till perm leader can be made

  • Base theme: TBA

  • Running the Territory: TBA

  • Territory conflict: TBA

  • Where to find your leader: TBA

  • Leader social(s): n/A


Brown Leader

Art & Character by Jenni

  • Base theme: The Brown Base is like the Valley of Rainier or Norwegian mountain lands. Basically nature!!! The layout is in layers the border to the middle is the city and the center resides the village and Palace where Queen Dahlia, the Leader of Brown Territory is

  • Running the Territory: Queen Dahlia over sees everyone’s needs in the Brown Territory! The huge village surrounding her palace is strictly Terran people. Terran people are those born with an nature power, earth, fire, wind, water, animal communication, and vegetation. Why just the Terran? Terran elves are a dying race and so Dahlia is trying to bring the culture back. Are you able to join this class of elves? YES! PLEASE JOIN!~ All you have to do is ask! If your character is unique outside of Terran than you will live in the city!~ the city makes up half of the brown territory and make no mistake there is nature where nature can grow!~

  • Territory conflict: The brown Territory has no qualms with other territories.

  • Where to find your leader: Queen Dahlia is mostly is seen in her palace or doing monthly check ups around her city. Dahlia is Medicinal doctor and goes around healing people who can’t afford the aid. Dahlia leaves the territory once a week to visit one color territory. Example would be going to the green territory on Saturday to offer her healing services!

  • Leader social(s): Dahlia's twitter


Grey Leader

Art & Character by Phen

  • Base theme: The main base theme is heavily inspired by Art deco and the 1930s. The base being the capital, it is located in the center of the territory. There you could find Lux’s complex, in the form of a skyscraper with a flat roof top. The windows of the building are huge, tainted in a pale green colour. The steel used draws a geometric pattern on the glass. We can also find a church not so far from here, as the leader is a fierce Believer, and a concert venue.

  • Running the Territory: Lux rules mostly on her own. As she grew alone, she believed the job would be efficiently done without anyone here to pester her. Although she appears stern, serious, frank, cold and blasé all the time, she takes her role wholeheartedly, and oversees everyone who reaches out to her. Sometimes, she seeks assistance with the church, in order to manage minor inconveniences. She handles the protection of her territory on her own for now.

  • Territory conflict: As an exorcist, Lux grew to loathe demons and eerie beings she considers as malevolent. While she has no particular beef with the Pink leader, despite seeing him as a child, the Pink ambassador is currently not welcomed in Grey. Her relationship with Orange is also on thin ice due to the leader and her assistant's nature.

  • Where to find your leader: You may find Lux in her skyscraper. Her desk is on the last floor, and you would need to make an appointment first to reach out to her, unless it’s an emergency. But when the situation needs it, you can find her working in town. She is available all the time, even in the darkest hour of the night, and makes it known when she’s away.

  • Leader social(s): Lux's insta


Black Leader

Art & Character by Plastic

  • Base theme: Black Territory is very plains based with few densely populated forests and a couple cliff-faces. The enviroment is warm, but can quickly reach cooler temperatures when heading up cliffs. The surrounding plantlife is very grey and black in its palette, like walking in a land of eternal night.

  • Running the Territory: Xara is technically the Leader of Black Territory, but only holds the position in Title. He actually shares the power with his 2 comrades, Zoria, and Braum. Xara handles militaristic affairs: overseeing the army/navy, handling intel reports, etc. Zoria handles both Foreign Relations and Internal Affairs. Braum acts as the Headmaster of the trio, helping governing the local nation, but since Xara is the Leader here rather than their traditional home of Old Shadownia, he shares his governing ability with him, aswell as Zoria. Together, they try to create a safe-haven for both their own people, and refugees in need, as they know the struggles of survival. More recently, they've been pouring resources and investments into defensive technology to send to other nations, they will not lose their home again

  • Territory conflict: Black Territory currently has no conflicts with any of the Colourland Territories. That being said, there is trouble brewing on distant shores to west of Colourland.

  • Where to find your leader: Xara can be found in one of three places. Either in the Military District of New Shadownia overlooking the training of his newest recruits, or at the Grand Three Castle, either in his office reading Intel Reports, or in the Grand Room with Zoria and Braum handling Territory business.

  • Leader social(s): N/A

What you need to be qualified

The community moderators do have room to wiggle if you check off most of this list but not the whole bit; all for giving people moderator experience if none is had before

have some moderation experience
active on discord
legal age adult
open line of communication
can diffuse conflicts
Friendly demeanor to all
Usually calm and collected
Willing to lead by example

Update to policy as of August 2021: Because of issues we've had in the past with former mods - we community mods have implimented a policy that any new mod (leader) is under a 3 month probahtion period. Any severe mess up - and you're out; no ifs, ands, or buts about it. You won't be kicked (unless warranted) from the server but, you won't be able to be a mod till further notice. We have this in place to make sure the safety of our community isn't jepordized, while also letting the new mod get use to their role.

We ask that anyone considering taking up the role of a leader that you take into account your own personal situations before reaching out to the Community moderators.All three of us care about our team's well being and fully understand things can come up IRL; certainly understand that it needs to be handled first and foremost - all we ask is that you keep us up-to-date as situations arise (don't need to be detailed by any means) but just let us know if you need a bit of a hiatus.We thrive better off good communication, so please don't hesitate to reach out.Lastly - if at any point you need to step down from the role that you reach out to us, greatly putting an emphasis on not just completely going mia on us.

AACP founded in 2010 by Tieru

let's start the adoption process

First: Pick a Colour

We have 11 families to choose from - can pick one of them for either their leader, just because you really love ' x ' colour, because the OC you want to bring over falls under ' x ' family; really any reason you have is a good reason but, just rememeber you can only be in one family and your OC must reflect this.

Second: Find your Hex

Already have a special or specific shade in mind to adopt but you don't know how or where to find it's hex #? We got you covered on that — just input the image you have here and it'll help you generate a #hex.

Third: Claim the Name

There are two ways to get a name for your specially selected #hex — you can either go to this website to have a name generated for you or you can pick a name for it yourself.Once you have the name picked out, we ask that you go here and input your selection (you are able to edit the document to input your information); all the colours are listed in alphabetical order — so just find it on this list or self insert it if you named it yourself.please note: do self insertion in alphabetical order

Finally: Create!!

Congratulations! You've officially adopted a colour! Now let's get to making this colour of yours take shape and come to life!

Classic 2010 aacp

Art + Purple citizen by/belong to Taylor-James K.
Gray citizen belongs to Jasper


  • Hair/eyes: You take the #hex you adopted and that is the colour of your OC's hair and eyes; point of this is that if we were to see your OC down to their undergarments — we know the exact shade they are in their respected family (can offer some leniency in this; look to the purple citizen, his eyes aren't purple but it's made up for with the eye lids and nails being purple).

  • clothing: All the colours you use for their hair and eyes is all the shades you use for their default attire; their clothing is 75% or more of your adopted shade.

  • secondary colour: The remaining 25% of their clothing can be whatever secondary colour you want to give some sort of ascent; the examples above use black and pearl as a secondary colour.

  • metals: These do not count toward your OC's overall palette but we do ask that you don't go overboard decorating your character in a vast amount of metal — examples above use silver and rose gold as ascent metals.

  • skin: this isn't recommended for you to do but, if you like a challenge you can certainly colour your OC's skin tone to fall under the family they are in. When we look to the examples above — can clearly tell overall they belong to the Gray and Purple family.

If you decide to make an oc from this route, we need to be able to tell what their adopted shade is and that they belong to their intended family

new age aacp 2020

Art + Gray & Green citizen belong to Maria V.


  • Hair: Can have multi colour hair but it all has to stay in the family you're joining (examples above are all different ranges of gray and green).

  • eyes: Can make the eyes whatever colour you want that isn't part of the family you're in — though we do ask that the colour is also part of their base design or matches a colour in their outfit (examples above; the gray citizen has blue eyes while that same blue is part of her body and the green citizen's red eyes match the red shirt he is wearing).

  • clothing: this is where you can have any shade you want; is very useful in helping certain parts of the overall design really stand out.

  • skin: where in the 2010 version of AACP required you have your clothes be 75% their adopted colour — here that is applied to the skin (in the examples; the gray citizen is Athens's gray and that shade takes up 75% of her body and the green citizen, if he was down to the undergarments, his body is 75% Persian green).

  • secondary colour: when apply a secondary colour, we still ask that it stays in the family you want your citizen to be apart of; can be a slight changed shade or be the opposite in saturation, nonetheless — keep the colour in the family.

  • metals: These do not count toward your OC's overall palette but we do ask that you don't go overboard decorating your character in a vast amount of metal — examples above use silver and rose gold as ascent metals.

This is a good route to take if you have a OC you're wanting to bring over — regardless what colour their clothing is, we still need to be able to tell what family they belong to by looking at their person

Quick faq

basic building blocks

We know the biggest issue we'll deal with when it comes to making an AACP OC is the overall palette being used, especially if the OC is being brought in from another verse — we are not asking for anyone's MVRP muse to change in personality but, we are very firm on sticking to the guidelines made when choosing colours. This is an adopt project so if you pick a shade, you are making an OC around that shade. We don't want there to be any sort of question as to what family the muse belongs to nor do we want multiple OCs of the same shade. So, when you pick a colour — stick to it.

Have multiple AACP OCs? / ✗Claim must be filled for each one
OCs' name not match the colour?✓ / Needs to be related to shade adopted
have multiple ascents? / ✗Can only be done for the 2020 route
I want my blue OC in pink territory✓ / Only the leaders can give the ok on this
Accessories count on the palette? / ✗if your oc wears it — it counts
My OC is 50/50 not 75/25✓ / Has to be 75/25; help avoid confusion
Any families w/palette leniency? / ✗only Brown, gray, white, and black

To help avoid problems with these guidelines — any OCs established before the date of 11.01.2020 (that aren't adhered to the guide) will be grandfathered in. Any new AACP OC after this date, will have to follow the guidelines and the whole mod team will make sure it is followed.

AACP founded in 2010 by Tieru

Citizen card & sheet

Fleshing out & making official

You're almost done making your AACP OC — just a few more things to do then your new muse is ready to go!Please be sure to fill out a citizen card once you have an image done of what your muse looks like. In the resource links section, there is a link set up to take you to a google drive page where you can download the high resolution citizen cards.if you have software that supports SAI or PSD files, you can go the extra step and even edit the colours of the card it self to reflect your citizen (have examples included on this page). Once you have the card filled out, be sure to post it on our discord server in the 'citizen info cards' channel; where we keep a catalogue of all our citizens in the community.Now, regarding the OC doc sheet — we are not making it a requirement to have one of these filled out but, it does greatly help make for one well rounded muse; do have the first section of it set for your most basic of information, now you're welcome to go even more detailed if you wish to and there is a plethora of stuff you can fill out if you're feeling super extra and want people to really know who exactly your muse is.If you need any help getting any of these filled out — please contact someone on the mod team (can be any of the colour leaders). We're all readily available to help with any and all questions/concerns our future citizens may have.

Filling the Card out

  • #/colour: your colours' hex & colour name (example — #1C0536 Imperial purple)

  • name: your OCs name (can be first or first and last name)

  • name meaning: explain how their name is related to the colour you choose

  • occupation: self explanatory

  • age: self explanatory (optional to include birthday)

  • palette: Be as accurate and detailed as you can be; not only does this help the mod team out but, if someone wishes to draw your oc — they are provided the best palette to use for colouring your character in.

— Citizen Card Examples —

Art, Cards, & Characters belong to Taylor-James

Resource Links

AACP founded in 2010 by Tieru

Business in AACP

powering the world

where do we start?

All business' start with an idea. So, you got one? Present it to anyone on the mod team; be it your family leader, any leader, and/or a community moderator.


Make sure if you want your business in the territory that you're apart of, that it's communicated with said leader. Do play in mind if it's a business (say mail delivery or magazine) that could run throughout all the territories, that you let a community mod know. Community mods are the only ones to decide if it's possible to do and will communicate this to all the leaders and see if they are okay with your business being on their turf.

the goods

Once your idea is approved, now the real fun can begin - what are you selling? Really the time to flex that creative brain of yours. Any idea, can be a good idea on stuff to sell - get creative and have fun with what you wish for your muse(s) to sell.

speaking with a leader

Once you have your business ready to go, show your final result to the leader (or community mod) for a final approval - be the time to get things revised as well as getting advertisement out for the business you're about to run. Will be the time any of the community mods make your business' discord channel so you can start getting engagment.

hiring help

Before you kick off the opening day, you can get people coming in to engagement for formal employment!

grand opening

Idea approved - Goods good to go - Help hired - Now, all that is left is just to make your grand opening! How you do that, is all up to you, have fun and good luck to your muses' endeavors!

Leaders please note: Your leader can not work for another business full time; they can be volunteers in different facilities but their prime duty is being a leader first and foremost.

If you want to go the extra mile for your business, you are welcome to utilize the resource below; links to a detailed and thorough template that can be filled out - once completed, it will be pinned in your business' channel on the AACP discord server.

AACP founded in 2010 by Tieru

RP Etiquette 101

current rp abbreviations

  • Mun: The writer behind the muse

  • Muse: the mun's character

  • MVRP: otherwise known as multiverse roleplay; your muse is open to interact or be in any verse (from Pokémon to Hazbin Hotel to Steven Universe and anywhere in-between).

  • Plotting: To plan out how the RP thread can be started or planning out the gist of story building between muses; especially great to use when first meeting another's muse outside RP threads.

  • Shipping: Your muse and another mun's are a couple of some kind.

the aacp way

''Create what you want - Just make it make sense''

AACP is a community that is - all - about creative freedom; can make whatever kind of character you want with whatever backstory / lore that comes to that beautiful mind of yours - all we ask is that you have it make sense.

Universal Golden & General RP rules

  • Golden Rule 1: Never, ever, RP lewd with a minor or if you are a minor rp lewd with an adult. Both result in major legal troubles and no one wants that.

  • Golden Rule 2: Never, ever, jump into an RP thread of two fellow writers with your muse without permission from both the writers you wish to engage with. It's a muse killer, so be sure to ask the muns nicely or wait till they tag you in their rp thread.

  • Golden Rule 3: Don't strictly rely on shipping. Yes, shipping is fun but, it's not the sole purpose of role playing.

  • Rule 4: Always source your art, edit, ect. if you are not the original artist. Be respectful to the original creators; doesn't hurt anyone nor take less time out of your day to leave some simple but proper credit.

  • Rule 5: Don't bully people for their choice in OC design or style of writing. We're all trying to have fun, maybe even get away from stuff going on in our personal lives and indulge ourselves in nice stories with out fellow artists. Bullying someone 'cause of how they designed their muse or for their writing style/how they portray their muse just isn't cool.

  • Rule 6: Never force nor guilt someone into doing something they, themselves, aren't comfortable with. Know this is just common sense stuff but, it needs to be stated for the sake of giving a firm, blunt reminder. If they are uncomfortable, don't force it on them, or really anyone, to do it.

  • Rule 7: Communication is a big thing when RPing on any platform. if there is something you don't like in an ongoing thread with your writing partner — communicate it.

  • Rule 8: Never control another person's muse without their permission first (ie. don't make them purposely get hit in a fight or make them do an action to fit what you wish to write for your muse's response).

  • Rule 9: Don't go meta. Just because you, as the mun, know something about the other's muse, doesn't mean that your muse automatically knows too. To add, don't assume something about someone's muse or relationships without speaking with said mun first.

  • Rule 10: It's okay to take your time when writing a reply. Just be sure to let your writing partner know so they aren't left in the dark or feel purposely forgotten; especially if there is major story development involved.

  • Rule 11: Remember 'The mun is not the muse'; if the character is mean, doesn't mean that the writer themselves are — most likely, the mun is a total sweetheart.

  • Rule 12: Never feel bad for asking for help, whether it's with layouts, writing/drawing techniques, or just making friends. As a community, we all can be willing to happily help one another out so everyone has an equally great time here.

  • Rule 13: The best way to have a good rp partner is to become friends with the mun. Can help with having a good, clear line of communication when plotting.

  • Rule 14: If your muse and someone else's muse hit it off with the right chemistry to form a potential ship, never assume they are together without the consent of that muse's mun. Be sure to ask the mun about this, nicely, in a DM or where ever is convenient for the two of you as to avoid any unnecessary drama.

Respect demands respect

RPing doesn't equal real life
Ships do not equal real life dating
No ship bashing; ships do not hurt real life people
Respect each other — If you respect others, they will respect you

aacp has a zero tolerance policy for preying upon children & bullying

Mental wellness

it's okay to not be okay

Art & Character by/belongs to Taylor-James

Community Mod TJ here:

So how about them flying pandas, eh? - Sorry, like making a little light hearted joke before talking about anything that is heavy (not all the time but, wanted a small ice breaker haha)Anyways, in all seriousness I've made this section solely for me to speak to you [the reader] person to person; putting down my community moderator title for a moment and to talk you about what mental health wellness means and why it's part of our core foundation in AACP. Normally whenever I speak to someone who may be new to the ever expanding world of mental health awareness, I like to preface it by stating first and foremost what is under my belt - a way, if you will, to show I'm just not talking out my butt and that I can relate. So:Hi! I'm TJ and I battle with having Borderline Personality Disorder, C-PTSD (my depression and severe anxiety is lumped in as part of my symptoms for C-PTSD), and GAD. Unfortunately for me, but fortunate for you, I've had three suicide attempts and almost had a fourth one in Feb of 2015; that time I finally took the first step on my path to recovery by hospitalizing myself.Now - I want you to re-read what you just read again and notice something I did: you'll see how I said I ' have ' these illnesses and not that I ' am ' them. Thing is, no one IS their mental illness, it is a part of you and your story - but - it need not be what defines you. Your loves and passions, even your hopes and dreams, define and tell more of who you are than any sort of illness you're inflicted with.Wouldn't hear a cancer patient saying "they are cancer" so why would you do this with your mental health? How does this better help you in your journey of recovery? - The answer: It doesn't.Kinda funny I say this now too, because the old me from seven - hell even ten years ago, had been in the same mind set of "I'm this/this/and this" but, thanks to a lot (and I mean a LOT) of hard work I've come to be a lot more optimistic with my view inward and outward with myself to the world around me. Thing is too, once you start your path it will be a - long - road to go down but, with every step you take - you're one step closer to a better you and away from the old one that lived in fear and pain.You'll have days where you wanna give up, days where the world just beats down on you too hard, times you get frustrated your once working meds some how stopped working, or you had an awful therapy appointment but please, never lose sight of the end goal; that end goal will only help give you strength to keep taking more steps forward.

Going to talk briefly here for a moment about suicide: so this is your trigger warning.

Sure you're wondering "TJ - how is it fortunate for us you've had suicide attempts?" Well, I said that because I want you to understand that I've been pushed to that dark part of an ill mind. Where I was hurting so much, crying so hard, begging to feel important but made to feel I was useless to this planet. So, if I didn't matter to anyone, there was no point to go on. It's an odd thing to say but, I don't regret my attempts nor the experience I had before, during, and after. Yes - it's painful to sometimes think back on, and yes I still battle with suicidal thoughts to this day but, I'll never regret having this in my story.These experiences have put me at a whole different level that most who go through it don't get to be at; I'm a survivor. I hope by me sharing this that you can take someone solace in knowing that you - can - indeed get better and that any negative experience in your life can always be turned around to reflect something positive, something you can take away from it and have your lessons learned to keep on doing self-improvement moving forward.Having dark thoughts, or even having attempts, is never something one needs to have shame over. There is nothing shameful about being or feeling that low; doesn't make you weak or less of a person, just a byproduct of mental illness and pain that needs a chance for healing.

There are three things I will - always - stand by that has saved my life and helped me with my recovery: Intermountain Psych Hospital in Boise, Idaho, DBT, and most importantly N.A.M.I. These three have been at my core and in some shape, way, or another find their ways to influence who I am to this day.Intermountain was an absolutely amazing hospital and gave me SO much hope that hospitals could soon follow in their steps; having it where going to a psych hospital isn't something to fear but, to help jump start your journey down a better path so you don't go back.DBT, while first founded for people like me with BPD, has been proven time and time again to help anyone with any mood or personality disorder, learn coping skills that might have been missed at the appropriate stages in one's life.And the best of them three: N.A.M.I., standing for The National Alliance on Mental Illness, is by FAR the organization that you'll constantly hearing me rave about and how wonderfully amazing they are with the work they do.At the time I went to Intermountain, the hospital was being funded by N.A.M.I. which lead to the enlightening and safe experience I had. They do SO much good work: spread awareness with many accredited professionals, offer funding to facilities to help give patients better care, even have programs for the less fortunate (like getting you psych meds at a SUPER low and affordable price; even provide therapy care too).What N.A.M.I. does and how much I'll forever be grateful to their work saving my life in 2015 - it's why I not only speak so highly of them, recommending them to anyone in need of help, but they are the sole reason I've been a mental health advocate since leaving the doors of Intermountain. They gave me a chance to know what I could become, to know that it's okay to take of me and that I don't need to always care for the world first before myself; that I'm not selfish for doing so either.The work I've put into bringing awareness for mental wellness I know has helped many, even the ladies of our community moderator team. This is why us three have mental wellness as one of our foundation cores, because us three help one another all the time when our mental illnesses are getting the best of us but, to also help aid in making sure our community is safe for our members mentally.

Art & Character by/belongs to Taylor-James

Wanna know something funny too?Bet you wouldn't believe me if I said when us three created our guidelines for the community that we used - a LOT - of DBT skills to form them, huh? DBT is something us three will - always - stand behind because we know it genuinely and truly works.Are aware some may have had a bad experience or two with DBT but, that doesn't automatically make it a bad thing just because you didn't personally benefit from it. We can't let our personal biases cloud scientific data that says otherwise. If I ever mention a skill that can help someone or just the general public, and it upsets you, I simply ask you walk away from the conversation or just your screen in general for a moment while you recollect yourself; don't need to announce it to everyone, but you are welcome to privately get ahold of any of three community mods and we can help you work through it and destress from it (if you so choose, obviously).I'll finish up by saying this: Our community takes everyone's well being seriously here; both physical and mental. If you're struggling, don't be afraid to reach out for help. If you see someone is having a rough time, just let them know they and what they do matters; compliments could move mountains to someone just by some simple words of encouragement and compassion.Whatever you do - don't, under any circumstance - use your mental illness as a weapon against someone else (it's called emotional manipulation and that is something us community moderators will never, ever endorse within our shared space). YOU are the one responsible for your mental health - not the rest of the world; so just take a moment and breathe before you do or say something that could be hurtful or invalidating to another. Your words and actions influenced by your mental illness can only be explained, but never excused. We take having accountability very seriously here when someone acts out because of their mental health (even us mods hold ourselves and one another accountable).If anyone ever needs someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, or resources to get started on getting help that you have an open invitation to come to me or the ladies of the community moderator team. We are here to support you guys, however we can.

End here by sharing one of the best lessons I ever learned from DBT:" You'll always have a right to your feelings - but never to your actions. "

Thank you for reading this. We on the mod team are here to help and wish nothing but the best for everyone on their road to recovery.

Mental Health Resources:
Learn about N.A.M.I | Help via NIMH | National Helpline